Specialist Disability Accommodation for your unique & high support Needs

SDA at RSA offers a home which has been specifically designed to assist and support people living with disability.

RSA specializes in offering Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) that is specifically designed to cater to the needs of individuals with disabilities. Our main objective is to create an environment where residents can thrive, enjoy a fulfilling social life, and achieve independence.

A Supportive Home Environment:

Our SDA housing goes beyond basic accessibility features. We embrace the concept of universal design, tailoring homes to cater to the unique requirements of people with disabilities.

This includes wheelchair accessibility, modified bathrooms, and the incorporation of assistive technologies. We strive to enhance comfort, convenience, and overall quality of life for our residents.

Disability Support Worker helping client paint on a canvas

Social Connection and Engagement:

RSA knows the significance of social connections in fostering a fulfilling and enriched life. It creates opportunities for residents to interact, engage, and forge meaningful relationships within their community.

We encourage a sense of community through a shared living model, where individuals can support and uplift each other.

RSA provide communal spaces such as lounges and beautiful gardens, which is used for social interaction, and creating a vibrant living environment.

Easier Access to Supports:

We understand the importance of easy access to essential support services for individuals with disabilities.

Specialist Disability Accommodation at RSA provides an easy access to essential support system.

Whether it’s through on-site care, or modified facilities, RSA ensures that our clients with disabilities have right the resources they need to live lives to the fullest.

By combining a supportive home environment, and easy access to support services, RSA strives to create a holistic and empowering living experience. We believe that everyone deserves a home that not only meets their specific needs but also nurtures their well-being.

RSA provides Specialist Disability Accommodation from their Thornbury, Moone Ponds, Malvern East and Bacchus Marsh (opening soon) housing facilities.

Call us on 1800 RSA NOW to learn more about our services and how we can help you and your family.